We have collected the most frequently asked questions here (it's work in progress!). Is your question is not among them?
Don't hesitate to drop us a line here
How long does Wardrobe and Style Review take?
The review of an average-sized wardrobe including the theoretical part usually takes 3 hours for Women and 2 hours for Men and that is reflected in the pricing. Returning clients can count on 1,5-2 hours and will be billed hourly in accordance to the package they choose.
How long does Personal Shopping take?
Our aim is to fit it into 3 hours. I have noticed that longer than three hours makes everyone tired. This is definitely not the experience we are after! We are proud of our efficiency and are usually able to deliver agreed results in the time frame agreed. Should you feel like you want to shop till you drop - we will gladly adjust to your wishes :)
More and more clients choose Shopping Online!
I have never worked with a Personal Stylist before. Where do I start?
Start by writing us or giving us a call! Together we will be able to pinpoint the exact challenge that needs to be addressed. It can be your personal style, your wardrobe, your self-confidence - everyone is unique. During our Introductory call, we will be able to adjust the services to your particular needs.
Do you work with men?
Yes! Gentlemen of all ages are welcome to make use of our services tailored to their particular needs.
Do you work online?
Yes! Thanks to modern technology we can develop your style no matter where you are. Please check our services for Women here and for Men here.
Who is your typical client?
Women and men who realize that the way they look matters for their professional and personal goals. We work with all ages, all ethnic backgrounds, all incomes.
I'm afraid you're going to throw away all my stuff!
First of all, let us assure you that this is not the intention. Your personal style often starts with what you already have in your wardrobe. Our goal is to weed your wardrobe and bring out the best pieces you have, which will serve as the foundation for your new style and your new wardrobe. We will explain why certain items work better for you and make our recommendations. The decision to get rid of anything is totally yours. We also try to save as many items as possible by altering them or creating new outfits you didn't know were possible.